A digital marketing agency and management consulting firm, Creative Analytics offers office products such as small electronics, desk and office decor/accessories, fitness items, beauty professional tools, kitchen items, etc. as well as monthly digital marketing services (e.g. websites and social media plans).
Creative Analytics

Creative Analytics
Qualifying Factor
- REPORTS TO: Equifax and Credit Safe
- TERMS: Net 30
- PG / NO PG: No Personal Guarantee Required
Reports to:
Equifax and Credit Safe
Special Instructions:
Special Note: Account holders with monthly subscriptions get monthly revolving accounts with credit lines of up to $10,000 reported. There is a $79 fee to apply (refunded if denied based on criteria below) and $100 minimum purchase to be reported for the first month. Then after that, there’s no min. purchase to report.
The annual fee counts toward that minimum.
They report at the last business day of the month.
I was approved, what do I do next?
Once you receive your approval email, you want to make a minimum total purchase of $100 for the first reporting. Your application fee is included towards your initial minimum purchase.
-We offer monthly payment plans via revolving credit for the marketing services you need to run and grown your business online. Pay monthly with no interest and get additional credit line boosts for your tradeline to build your business credit faster! They report at the last week of each month.
For general questions or inquiries, you may also contact them through their intake form on their website. https://creativeanalyticsdc.com/contact/
To Qualify:
– Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
– Business credit history
– EIN number with IRS
– Business address- matching everywhere.
– D&B Number
– Business License- if applicable
– Business Bank account
– Established business for at least 30 days
– Business Phone Number Listed in 411
– Business address on the D&B should match with the Secretary of State (SOS) and IRS records.
– Must not have any derogatory business reporting or delinquencies
– Has a yearly membership fee of $79
To Apply:
Net 30